烘焙小天地Baking Paradise

金桶純牛油 Golden Churn Pure Creamery Butter 340g



金桶純牛油 Golden Churn Pure Creamery Butter 340g Origin: New Zealand 紐西蘭 Net Weight:340g 金桶純牛油 [動物性牛油] 乳脂肪81.1% 帶有淡淡鹽味,增強味道層次 採用澳洲、紐西蘭天然牧場新鮮草飼牛奶製成 最傳統的木桶攪乳方式製成,保留乳品最佳氣味 風味及口感滑順 久放建議將牛油從鐵罐取出,放置保鮮盒內密封 81.1% FAT, 鹽含量約為2%。 適合:鬆脆曲奇,牛油唧花曲奇 又名:黃油(中國)/奶油(台灣) 儲存方法/注意事項: 置於陰涼乾燥之處 (開封後,須儲放雪櫃冷凍) Golden Churn Butter is a pure and premium quality butter from New Zealand. Free from any added preservatives or colouring, this naturally smooth and creamy butter is delicious and ready to spread on toasts, croissants and other food items. It is also ideal for cooking and baking. Apart from its delicious flavour, Golden Churn butter is easy to store and is popular in the the UAE and other regions of the Middle East where the temperatures are high. The canned packaging gives the butter a longer self life and it can be stored for 18 months without the need of refrigeration.
