烘焙小天地Baking Paradise

Bob's Red Mill 小麥麩質粉 20oz Bob's Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten Flour 20oz



Bob's Red Mill 小麥麩質粉 20oz Bob's Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten Flour 20oz 產地/Origin: 美國 - 可再次密封包裝 - 員工所有制公司 - To Your Good Health® - 70-80% 蛋白質 - 看得到的品質® - Non-GMO 項目驗證 - 猶太潔食認可 加入重要的小麥麩質,烤出的麵包面麵包心更輕,體積更大!特別是對用全穀物麵粉製作的麵包很有幫助,它也是素食肉替代品 Seitan 的必要成分。 在 Bob's Red Mill,我們認為烘焙是一門獨立的語言,是您與朋友和家人分享愛的表達。這就是為什麼我們如此努力地為您提供極好的成分 - 因為它們不僅僅是食物。烘焙是分享您的天賦,您的慷慨,您的心意的一種方式。願這些珍貴的禮物融入您烘焙的每一件成果中。 其他成份 小麥麩質。 含:小麥。 警告 存放在陰涼乾燥處。 - Resealable Package - An Employee-Owned Company - To Your Good Health® - 70-80% Protein - You Can See Our Quality® - Non GMO Project Verified - Kosher Parve Bake bread with a lighter crumb and greater volume by adding vital wheat gluten! Especially helpful for bread made with whole grain flours, it's also the essential ingredient for seitan, a vegan meat substitute. At Bob's Red Mill, we feel that baking is a language all its own, an expression of love you share with your friends and family. That's why we work so hard to bring you the very best ingredients—because they're so much more than just food. Baking is a way to share your talent, your bounty, your heart. May these precious gifts shine through in everything you bake. Other Ingredients Vital wheat gluten. Contains: Wheat. Warnings Store in a cool, dry place.

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