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Bob's Red Mill Organic Stone Ground Dark Rye Flour Whole Grain NON GMO 20oz



Bob's Red Mill Organic Stone Ground Dark Rye Flour Whole Grain NON GMO 20oz Net weight 567g (20oz) Organic Dark Rye Flour is a flavorful, 100% whole grain flour complete with all the nutritious bran and germ. It is freshly ground on our quartz-stone mills from organic dark, plump rye berries. Bob's Red Mill Dark Rye Flour is 100% stone ground from premium organic U.S. #1 dark, plump rye berries. It contains all the health-giving nutrients of the germ, bran and endosperm. The deep, hearty and distinctive flavor of rye has made it popular throughout history and it remains a staple in Eastern European countries and Scandinavia, where it can withstand the cold weather conditions better than other grains. Rye is rich in dietary fiber and iron. It is also a nutritious source of antioxidants and nutrients including selenium, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, zinc and protein. Add rye flour to your baked goods for its delicious and unmistakable flavor. Our Dark Rye Flour makes an outstanding, hearty, robust peasant-style bread. Rye flour can be used for many other kinds of foods as well. Get your creative side on and give it a try in pancakes, waffles, cookies, pie crust, crackers, muffins, stollen, cakes and even pizza crust! Resealable Package An Employee-Owned Company To Your Good Health® -Bob Moore USDA Organic Stone Ground Non GMO Project Verified Kosher Pareve You Can See Our Quality® Certified Organic by QAI 其他相關貨品: Brer Rabbit Full Flavour Molasses https://bakingparadise.store/item/Brer-Rabbit-Molasses-Full-Flavor-%E9%BB%91%E7%B3%96%E8%9C%9C-35/5559891926319104 Red Seal Blacktrap Molasses https://bakingparadise.store/item/Red-Seal-Blackstrap-Molasses%E9%BB%91%E7%B3%96%E8%9C%9C/5256516307386368 Rye Flour https://bakingparadise.store/item/%E5%BE%B7%E5%9C%8B%E8%A3%B8%E9%BA%A5%E7%B2%89(%E9%BB%91%E9%BA%A5%E7%B2%89)-T1370---1-KG/5897799449313280 https://bakingparadise.store/item/Doves-Farm-Organic-RYE-Wholemeal-Flour/4883168448610304 天然黑麥芽粉 https://bakingparadise.store/item/%E5%A4%A9%E7%84%B6%E9%BB%91%E9%BA%A5%E8%8A%BD%E7%B2%89---50g/4921798665830400 Cocoa Powder https://bakingparadise.store/item/%E6%AF%94%E5%88%A9%E6%99%82%E5%8F%AF%E5%8F%AF%E7%B2%89-(Veliche)---200g/5953164396331008

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