烘焙小天地Baking Paradise

Milkio 脫水牛油 Cow Ghee (Clarified Butter) 400ml



Milkio 脫水牛油 Cow Ghee (Clarified Butter) 400ml Origin: New Zealand 紐西蘭 Net Weight:400ml Milkio 脫水牛油來自純淨紐西蘭的快樂牧場,乳牛在廣大可以自由活動的牧場內悠閒自在的吃草,在好心情與純天然的牧草交織而產出的最高品質鮮乳。脫水牛油經過耗時費工的拌攪去除固體雜質,才製成了散發天然濃醇甘味。產品不含乳糖、碳水化合物、反式脂肪、防腐劑,及添加劑,就算乳糖不耐症患者及生酮飲食者皆能食。 脫水/無水牛油(英語:Clarified butter,德語:Butterschmalz),是從牛油中提煉出的液態牛奶脂肪。通常由普通牛油加熱蒸發水分後,撇去漂浮物並摒棄沉澱物而得。無水牛油熔點比普通牛油熔點高,在西餐中通常用來煎炸食品。如用普通牛油直接下鑊,會很容易燒焦,也會出現黑色的沉積物,破壞食物的賣相。只要用脫水/無水牛油便可放心烹調了。 Clarified Butter可用於高溫和長時間烹調下,或配食物吃時會吃到牛油的香味而不會感到油的肥膩, 法國菜中常常用到,特別是做醬汁 。 煎牛扒都好啱用架! 脫水/無水牛油可替代牛油搽麵包餅乾或用以製造甜品,亦可用以中高溫煮食。脫水/無水牛油有穩定的脂肪酸與攝氏210度煙點,煮食不易氧化,亦無需儲存於雪櫃。 Milkio grass fed ghee is made with quality in mind: it is crafted under strict processing standards to ensure rich, buttery flavour, strong caramel aroma, and larger crystals. Because it is made from free-roaming, grass-fed cow’s here in New Zealand, Milkio’s Pure Grass Fed Ghee is naturally higher in Omega-3 and Omega-9 essential fatty acids, beta carotene, CLA, antioxidants, and vitamins E, D, A, and K. It is free of trans-fatty acids, hydrogenated fats, oxidized cholesterol, and has no artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives. Milkio ghee is unsalted and completely lactose free, making it suitable for those who are lactose intolerant. Milkio’s Pure Grass-fed ghee is perfect for grilling, baking, roasting, or frying, and instantly adds richness to meat, seafood, vegetables, sauces, marinades, soups, and even desserts. Its clean, buttery, slightly caramelised flavour makes it suitable for direct consumption. Because it is nutrient-dense without any carbohydrates or sugars, it is ideal for those following paleo, ketogenic, LCHF, and other low-carb, whole food diets.
